Monday, 27 February 2012

Early Spring in a seaside garden

Hamamelis Pallida
Spring time seems to have taken hold in the garden, and I now have a range of sunshine yellow blooms including bright narcissus, mellow primroses, and a zingy witchhazel. I am really pleased that the witchhazel has decided to bloom this year as it's been with me for at least three years, and despite having promising buds, they have come to nothing. So obviously it takes a little time to settle in.

These plants are joined by white crocus with a yolky stamen, hellebore foetidus and purple hellebores. The native hellebore foetidus (or it's rather unflatteringly name of Stinking Hellebore) is very happy down by the coast. It has meandered alongside the under-belly of a laurel hedge that I have and has an acid green flower, fringed with purple at this time of year. 
 Hellebore Foetidus
Purple Hellebore
 I have a really narrow shingle garden so try to make the most of the space, so was delighted when I found some rather ingenious plant holders that attach to the side of the fence. I have six now, and will change the plants through the year, starting with the narcissus and then moving through to trailing plants. I may try a bit of a veg theme with tumbling tomatoes, interspersed with chives or maybe even basil in the warmer summer months. 

Narcissus attached to fence

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