Thursday 15 March 2012

Deal Local Library

I know that Councils up and down the land have had to make some really tough decisions about cuts to local services. Many have opted to close libraries which seems short-sighted given the value that libraries provide to such a broad range of people.

Having not used a local library for around 30 years, I am impressed with what I've found in my local library in Deal.

Kent County Council has invested in this service and Deal now boasts a completely refurbished modern facility which is used by young and old alike. The design is thoughtful, with wide aisles, easy for pushchairs, walking frames or wheelchairs and the rubber like floors are firm-under-foot with little chance of slippage. The overall green and grey colour is easy on the eye.

There is a separate reading room-come-function room near the entrance  whilst at the rear there is a play area for young children. In keeping with this multi-functional use of space, the Council has a desk for information or enquiries, making it easier to talk directly to Council staff about the changes that are happening to local services.

A new automated system for borrowing and returning books, may be a bit challenging to some, but the nearby staff are happy to help. And, in keeping with the growing online services available throughout businesses and public services, there is a very efficient online reservation website, which allows you to search the national library catalogue, and make a reservation. There is a small 35p administration charge for this. There are a number of computers through the library allowing for internet access.

I know that Kent County Council is conducting a review of libraries across the county and is at pains to reassure people that these services will not be lost to them, but they may look at alternative locations or become more reliant on volunteers. It would be a great shame if this review did affect a service that is so loved locally. Although local volunteering is fine, a good library service does need the skills of professional librarians. For now I'm happy to trust KCC as you only have to visit to see how popular this service is with people of all ages.

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